~ Letter from the President ~

First of all I would like to apologize for the late website update.  We had our corporate meeting a little later this year due to some member’s obligations.  We also had a few corporate changes take place one of which is the retirement of Gordon Byrnes and the passing of one of our founding members Stan Robson.

Some of the changes that you will see in the future are changes to our class tuition fees.  The UTS board of directors have updated the class tuition fees and presently reads:  Class Tuition Fee is $200 per student with a minimum of $2,400 per class.  

We also made some changes to the In-house classes.  We have agreed that In-house classes (per UTS standards) can be advertised on the UTS website for free as long as the level of training is not above Track Aware and the charge for the class is $50 per student or less.  Photos of these classes and also all those taught by UTS for sponsors will be posted for free.

If you are considering a class for this year please get your class sponsorship information paperwork to Al Pratt so you can guarantee the dates that you want as we are already getting classes scheduled.  The sponsorship information sheet can be found on the website.   The  information sheet can be filled out and either be scanned, emailed or snail mail, my information is on the contact section of the website.

I would also like to take this time to thank everyone for their cooperation in these matters and to remind everyone of our re-certification policy.  If you are getting close to your re-certification date please try and get to a class to keep yourself current.

We are looking forward to a good “tracking season” and hope to see you all there.

If you have any questions feel free to contact one of us. 

Thank you,
Al Pratt
President UTS.




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