~ Letter from the President ~


Recently we have received a lot of interest and inquiries about the future of UTS mostly because of the ages and welfare of some of us who are getting older. You know the saying "wisdom comes with age" so we should be a wealth of wisdom. That being said I would like to let everyone in the UTS family know that we plan on continuing into the future with more and better instruction on mantracking to help bring lost individuals home to their families and loved ones and to help law enforcement agencies put criminals where they belong. 

Our future plans include adding more staff and classes to broaden the program.  We would really appreciate it if you are planning on attending a class to PLEASE get your pre-registration to Linda Balzer.  We have a policy of canceling  a class two weeks ahead of the scheduled date if we DO NOT have enough pre-registration forms sent in to let us know how many students we have. We all know how time consuming and expensive it is to plan, schedule and put everything together for classes. With that said we are continually getting responses after a class date as to why it was canceled. We are open for any suggestions to make it easier to have a successful class. You can always give us a call or put suggestions on your "critique sheet".

 We currently have three classes scheduled for August but again we need people who are planning on coming to any of them to SIGN up by sending in the pre-registration form.

 Thanks for listening and we hope to see you in the future.

                                      PRESIDENT UTS             




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